So I’m doing my chart analysis of Shri Salman Khans chart based on the time of birth that is available on the net; that is 1430 hours and I think it aligns well with his life profile.

Birth Details

27/12/1965; 1430 Hours; Indore – MP

Lagna Chart

ASC Aries 22-49-28

2nd house of Taurus has Rahu [R] 09-30-41

3rd house of Gemini has Jupiter [R]01-36-46 (Enemy)

8th house of Scorpion has Mercury 21-00-15 and Ketu [R] 09-30-41

9th house of Sagittarius has Sun 12-02-15

10th house of Capricorn has Mars 09-52-22 (Exalted) and Venus 18-47-07

11th house of Aquarius has Moon 01-32-29 and Saturn 18-41-30 (Lord Housed)


MER from 6/ 9/21 till 6/ 9/38

  • MER – KET till 30/ 1/25
  • MER – VEN till 30/11/27
  • MER – SUN till 6/10/28

Summary analysis

So he is ascendant Aries at 22 plus degrees; so fun loving person, reliable and a loyal friend. He can be pretty headstrong also because ascendant Aries at nearly 23 degrees gives him traits of ascendant Taurus also. So he is pretty headstrong and does not like to change. That is why he is living in his galaxy apartment from the very start but he is a very stable person.

Now second house has Rahu. This means family dynamics are tricky and due to that Rahu/ mild Kaal Sarpa Dosha (MKSD)he has not able to form his own family; he has not been able to get married; have a home of his own and have a family of his own. It is partially due to this placement.

3rd house has Jupiter retrograde and enemy. This means presence of siblings are there. Active presence of siblings are there but he will be helping the siblings or he is auspicious for the siblings rather than siblings being auspicious for him and also legal problems galore from him. He will have his share of legal problems and becoming father of healthy children is very difficult for him.

This has 8th house has Ketu and Mercury. Hence gives him mild Kaal Sarpa Dosha (MKSD) as I mentioned before. He has to be very careful of his health and he can be very aggressive. So what seems on the exterior – the muscles are just a show as from inside there is health problem and also he is aggressive. So when he is upset and angry, he can say very harsh and rude things and what that will do is give him legal problems – which have plaguing him forever and also impacting his health and living arrangements. As he will never able be able to have a “home” of his own. So that is why he is living with family only; basically he is living like a bachelor because of his Mercury. So it does not allow him to settle down or him to settle down with finality.

Other than that see his chart picks up and that is why he is “Salman Khan”. That is why he has so much money, power and fame.

9th house has Sun. This means he is very intelligent, prompt, courageous, father is very lucky for him; lot of money is there in his chart; professionally he will do very well and if that was not enough then his 10th house has Venus and Mars exalted. This means that wherever he lives or whatever he does there is a position of authority that he has so; he has sway over the Bombay film industry and Mars exalted means that he has immense leadership skills; he gets along with people for example in the film industry and Venus there means that he is good looking, charming, he will enjoy his life will all the material pleasures and luxuries that money can buy; there is no shortage of wealth in his chart and authority and not to mention he will have a very active romantic life, very popular with ladies but not be able to convert that into marriage.

Again his 11th house is super powerful with Moon and lord Saturn. So that tells me mother is also very auspicious for him and professionally because Saturn is Lord House due to his own hard work he himself is very hardworking, professionally, smart person; he will have name, fame at his feet, that is assured to him and not only that he is emotionally also very strong person. So despite the flaw in his chart being that he has not been able to form a family of his own, legal and health trouble; other than that he is a very materially lucky person who is emotionally strong, intelligent and street smart.

But unfortunately for him since 2021 he is going through his extremely challenging 8th house Mercury mahadasha and this time is not good for him. So the Bombay police should take this threat to his life seriously because there is there is legal and health trouble for him and threat to his life. Regardless even if he gets the best of security the combined effect of all this will be that there is so much stress right and for the forceable future, that its is in unmanageable and it will impact his health. So this time is not good he has to do the remedies.

I know Bollywood stars regularly consult astrologers and I would not be surprised if he starts wearing a panna gemstone very soon.