What do the stars foretell about Kangana Ranaut?
Queen Kangana Ranaut is known as a extremely hardworking and dedicated artist as well as a fearless person who is not afraid to speak her mind. She has by her own hard work and toil reached the top of the Hindi film industry and on her own terms.
She got her big break in the movie Queen as ‘Rani”- let us see how the Queen in astrology that is the planet Moon is treating her.
Let us see what the stars have in store for her.
Birth Details
20/3/1987, 1205 Hours, Mandi – HP
Lagna Chart
Asc Gemini 12-50-06 – makes her intelligent, carefree and jovial by nature and also dependant on support from those close to her which she seems to be getting
4th house of Ketu has Virgo – Good support from mother
6th house of Scorpion has Moon 03-59-17 and Saturn 27-23-18 – Tricky house and would make her emotional and sensitive and also this would impact her career.
8th house of Capricorn has Venus 26-18-54 – Trouble and stress in romantic liaisons.
9th house of Aquarius has Mercury 08-46-10 – Excellent for her career, she would shine and reach the top during this phase of her life which is right now.
10th house of Pisces has Sun 05-26-50, Jupiter 10-32-16 and Rahu 18-40-08 – This would make her very wealthy and extremely lucky as she would be at the right place at the right time.
11th house of Aries has Mars 25-14-22 – This would make her very famous and popular and a fearless person who would chalk ker own way to name and fame.
Dasha periods in her life
Saturn from 20/ 3/87 to 15/ 4/05 – Tough time
Mercury from 15/ 4/05 to 15/ 4/22 – Career started to shine and became a top rated hindi film heroine – One of the best times in her life.
Ketu from 15/ 4/22 to 15/ 4/29 – Would face a somewhat tricky period professionally and personally, mother would be the source of her strength during this time
Venus for 15/ 4/29 to 15/ 4/49 – Would have hits and misses in professional and personal life
Sun 15/ 4/49 to 15/ 4/55 – Good time as a director or producer and would make a lot of wealth during this time
Mon 15/ 4/55 to 15/ 4/65 – Stressful period for her and should be careful on the health front
Additional Analysis
She is going through the best phases of her life right now and upto 2022.
Her Jupiter, Mars and Mercury in that sequence are the planets responsible for her amazing name, fame and wealth.
Her Saturn and Moon would make her emotional and ultra sensitive, especially under stressful circumstance which she would face a lot in her life.
She is a real hard worker and a lot of times her hard work would not get the desired results due to her Saturn and Moon in the 6th house.