Your question and you
Does your mind know where you are headed, or is it confused? A good and accurate chart or palm analysis starts with phrasing a proper question.
But when someone asks a question and the way in which they phrase their communication (verbal/written) is a good indicator of their state of mind.
Hence, a lot can be gauged about you, your personality, and your mindset by the way you write or phrase your question or the way you talk. That is later confirmed by analyzing your chart, palm or face.
For me an improperly phrased question, a question written in a hurry, questions asked casually, or talking rudely tells me one or all of the below about you
• Ego not under your control leading to anger, frustration, rebellion
• Selfishness
• Casual or non serious approach to life
• An unclear and confused mind
• Anxiety at the very minimum
• Influence of mind-altering substance/s
Therefore, please keep in mind that when your go to an astrologer, palmist and/or face reader – it is not simply your chart/palm or face that is being analyzed.