Britney Spears has been controversial or you can say her life has been full of controversies but she is immensely talented also. I have read through her life and based on that I can say that this birth time is kind of fitting in. What I want to emphasize here is that she is not emotionally unstable person; yes she has been suffering from mental health issues including a nervous breakdown but imagine a person who has been working all her life and then the people very close to her or her immediate family /parents stab her in the back; the people she married took advantage of her. So what was happening is that everybody around her was taking advantage of her and in such a situation human beings cannot last and that also when they are operating at such a high level or leading high profile lives. So that is what led to her decline, health decline and her life is more so a commentary of the sad times we live in where everything is so materialistically linked – relationships. Sometimes for these ultra successful people they really have no one close to them and they are very lonely or extremely lonely and they suffer due to that.
Same is what is happening in all major cities of the world where people just come to earn money; including in India people are actually getting very lonely and in that they are getting very depressed and more so in this era where people from the from a very young age they just fixated on the screen; this is bound to impact the mental health.
Birth Details
2/12/1981; 0130 Hours; Mccomb – USA
Lagna Chart
ASC Virgo 09-04-30 has Saturn 25-40-42
2nd house of Libra has Jupiter 07-25-11
3rd house of Scorpion has Sun 16-26-36 and Mercury 11-49-60
5th house of Capricorn has Moon 18-46-58, Venus 01-30-54 and Ketu [R] 01-09-13
9th house of Cancer has Rahu [R] 01-09-13
12th house of Leo has Mars 29-40-54
MAR from 1/ 5/85 till 1/ 5/92
RAH from 1/ 5/92 till 1/ 5/10
JUP from 1/ 5/10 till 1/ 5/26
SAT from 1/ 5/26 till 1/ 5/45
Summary Analysis
So she is an extremely hardworking, laborious, smart, intelligent, practical ascendant Virgo with Saturn powerfully placed in the Lagna House; so this means that from the very start due to her own hard work she has made her life; this has been in her career as a singer/ as a pop singer/ world renowned pop singer; so there is no stopping her as long as she is alive; there is no stopping her; she is extremely hard working and cannot sit still.
Second House of Libra has Jupiter enemy. This means family life is controversial to say the least; legal problems are there with regards to family life; by family life I mean with respect to relations with the parents; with the spouses; marriage issues; so she will never be able to have a safe and secure home.
3rd house is extremely auspicious. Sun and Mercury. So she is extremely bold, courageous, intelligent, smart, extremely polite; her brothers and sisters are shown as auspicious for her and she will live in material luxury all her life. No matter what comes she will live in material luxury and wealth all her life.
5th houses Moon, Venus and Ketu. Venus in the 5th house means she can become mother of healthy children and she herself not only will get name or fame from her singing career but also her future husband will be from that same show business or singing; makes her close to her mother and somewhat emotionally stable and wealthy; but Ketu in this house means that the domestic part of her life will be controversial. That means children will be the source of controversy and worry for her – like she has had multiple children with multiple partners and also marriages are extremely controversial aspect of her life. It is not a stabilising factor and Moon in this house with Ketu means that yes emotionally she can be naive; prone to lot of worry, anxiety and mental health issues.
Now her 11th house has Rahu. This means that due to her own hard work; she will be travelling; constantly travelling; living out of a suitcase; enjoying life materially but she has mild Kaal Sarpa Dosha (MKSD) – totally finishing the chances of herself or Brittany to settle permanently by way of marriage; that is not in her destiny of being married or having a secure married life and that has also contributed to her emotional distress; the instability in her family life.
Now if that was not enough; then last but not the least Mars is in the 12th house; makes her a manglik; so makes her prone to suffering in silence; gulping tears till they become too much to handle and also for mangliks; from married life, the chances of happiness are less unless done with careful chart matching.
Now if you map the above with Dasha’s of her life till date. She was born in her tough 12th house Mars Mahadasha; so initially she did not show spark; her parents marriage broke up or maybe there was some turmoil in the first years of her life that impacted her; then after 1992 her 9th house Rahu Mahadasha started; now though she started to perform well due to her hard work; she started to get noticed because Rahu is in the 11th house but due to MKSD; this success came at a heavy price and she had to manoeuvre many tricky twist and turns for it.
All she ever wanted was to have a happy and stable family life which has alluded her; it alluded her during her Rahu mahadasha and then her enemy Jupiter started from 2010 till 2026 which has been the worst time for her and did not contribute to stability.
Right now she is about to exit her Jupiter Mahadasha and entered her lagna house Saturn Mahadasha; so for the first time in her life she will be a little better in terms of what she wants to be do in her life; she will have some control over her life but her Saturn has come at this age and given her other placements it will induce a lot of stress into her life and if she does not do the remedies then she may again become victim to stressful scenarios/ mental health issues.
The point I want to make is that this is not the chart of a crazy person. She is pretty hard working at the core and all she wants is a stable domestic life which is ever alluding. So let us wish good luck to her for her Saturn Mahadasha which surely will be an eventful time for her.