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Eric and Lyle Menendez were children of very wealthy parents and were living in one of the richest areas in the United States; in the Hollywood area and in a palatial mansion with all material wealth. Father was a very senior executive and mother a homemaker. In 1990 these Eric and Lyle at that time aged around 20 and 22 years old respectively brutally murdered both their parents by shooting them in their own house. They were sentenced to life in prison without parole by a court in America in 1991. This despite the claim by their lawyers that they both were abused by their father and could not take it anymore. This was rejected due to lack of evidence in 1991. Off late some new evidence has come out which shows that they were actually abused by their father and hence since they are in prison for the past 33 odd years, their lawyers are trying to get them released by having them convicted of a lesser charge equal to time served.

Were they abused and what is their future ? Let me take a look at their charts.

Eric Menendez

Birth Details

27/11/1970; 2323 Hours; Livingstone – NJ – USA

ASC Leo 10-30-25 has Ketu [R] 04-17-41

3rd house of Libra has Mars 01-09-26, Jupiter 27-12-03 (Enemy) and Venus [R] 16-29-36(Lord Housed)

4th house of Scorpion has Sun 12-04-37; Moon 03-25-17 (Debilitated) and Mercury 29-11-53

9th house of Aries has Saturn [R] 24-26-24 (Debilitated)and Rahu [R]04-17-41

Present Dasha

VEN from 12/10/13 till 12/10/33

  • VEN – JUP till 12/ 8/26
  • VEN – SAT till 12/10/29

Summary analysis

So he is a flirty but stable ascendant Leo who takes life casually and is lucky by birth to be born in a wealthy family with Ketu in the lagna house. Now 3rd house of Libra has Mars, Jupiter enemy and Venus Lord House and retrograde; significant impact of sibling is seen and the impact is positive and negative, so this means that though these two brothers on the exterior would be having fun and would be nice to each, other, getting along but actually they would end up harming each other and that is what has happened, they both have been convicted of killing their parents to which they have admitted. Now the only case in point is whether they were abused by their father or not because that may reduce their sentence. So 4th house has Sun, Moon debilitated and Mercury; this means again he is born in wealth, life is sophisticated but chequered, emotionally he is very vulnerable and relations with mother and father both are tricky; so from the very start there are complications in relations with the parents and their presence is not auspicious, as has been the case. 7th house has Rahu, so marriage prospects are there but tricky. He got married in prison; what kind of married life he can have is questionable. 9th house has Saturn debilitated, this again means that his whole life he would not do anything, no karma or karma less life; so that is what is going to happen either he is going to die in prison or even if he comes out as a convicted felon; he is not going to do anything as far as his career or earning money goes or anything of significance.

Right now he is going through his Venus Mahadasha and Venus is Lord House and retrograde in the 3rd house; so he may be a little bit used to prison life now and during this time some good news can come due to help from wife/lover/female, to him and sibling. The good news will not be totally good; as let us say best case scenario even if he is released from prison; he would still be a convicted felon responsible for killing his parents for life; that conviction cannot be overturned and the female/s will take advantage of him and vice versa.

And as far as whether he was abused by his father or not. YES.

He was born in his 9th house debilitated Saturn Mahadasha; so it seems that from birth till 1989 even though he was living on the exterior, a charmed lifestyle but his life was hell; he was not enjoying anything and it could be possible that he was abused by his father.

So this is by no means the chart of a criminal but an unlucky emotional person in the wrong family circumstance but overall a survivor due to his lagna house.

Lyle Menendez

Birth Details

10/1/1968; 1210 Hours; New York – NY – USA

Lagna Chart

ASC Aries 14-09-22 has Moon 29-46-17 and Rahu [R] 00-04-02

5th house of Leo has Jupiter [R]11-48-39

7th house of Libra has Ketu [R] 00-04-02

8th house of Scorpion has Venus 17-08-55

9th house of Sagittarius has Sun 26-07-49

10th house of Capricorn has Mercury 03-57-09

11th house of Aquarius has Mars 07-36-38

12th house of Pisces has Saturn 13-09-01


SAT from 18/ 8/23 till 18/ 8/42

  • SAT – SAT till 21/ 8/26
  • SAT – MER till 30/ 4/29

Summary Analysis

So this boy is ascendant Aries, stable, smart, active, independent intelligent with Rahu and Moon in the Lagna House; so he is convincing and dominating by nature and he will not take any bad behaviour from anybody but by no means is he a criminal and he is emotionally very stable, strong person and belongs to a very good family – which he belonged to. Now he is very unlucky because 5th house has Jupiter retrograde and that means that for him and his brother both of them I see that legal problems for life. They have been unlucky. This boy/man has been unable to start his family also. This as 7th house as Ketu and gives him mild Kaal Sarpa Dosha (MKSD) destroying his personal life. If that was not enough then 8th house has Venus. So that again means absence of personal life but on the other hand he is very serious minded person. This is not the chart of a criminal minded person. This is the chart of a very intelligent, enterprising person who will be eventually very wealthy in his life because his Sun is in the 9th house, so this boy he is dominating but he cannot be abused; the other brother is liable to be abused but this boy he is very smart but at the same time he is very dominating and protective of his brother. He is auspicious for his brother. If that was not enough. 10th house has Mercury; that means there will be lot of wealth and life of enjoyment. His 11th house is having Mars, means that born into a very good family and name, fame and authority is there but Saturn in the 12th house, spoils the party as what it does is that professionally this boy will not be able to do anything and that is what has happened due to this sad event that has happened. Right now he is going through his 12th house Saturn Mahadasha; so best case scenario even if the sentence is reduced and he is released from prison; professionally he will not be able to do anything; he will not be working hard both the boys will not be working at all; their lives will be on autopilot mode and they will be enjoying their life of enjoyment and riches and fame.

They will get a reward for wrongful conviction or wrongful life sentence and with that money they will enjoy their life. The first part of their life also they have enjoyed due to the parents wealth. Him more than the younger brother who was having a very miserable time.

So from his chart also it does not seem to be the chart of a criminal at all but an unlucky person. This could have been the chart with the remedies of a corporate executive on the lines of his father. N0ow education wise he is not that good; both the brothers are not top performers education wise but by no means are these charts of people who will languish in jail.

In all likelihood there will be released and the sentence will be reduced and then whatever life remains they will be able to lead a materially comfortable life but still they have been unlucky.

For this borther what has happened is that when he went to prison in 1990–91; his Rahu Mahadasha had just started and due to MKSD, his time was out of his control and tricky without the remedies. The other brother was suffering a lot. Now this brother his time was out of control tricky time and he must have pushed his brother to “let us you know not keep quiet or take this abuse” and whatever they thought as very young and stupidly rich boys has cost them hard and continue to do so karmically. This they ended up killing their parents.

So best case scenario they may be released but they will be remaining as convicted felons for life because even for this brother he will be released in his 12th house Saturn Mahabasha and he will not be able to do anything much in his life.

Summarizing – The curse and cover of Saturn

So in the end I would say that they are not criminally minded people. The younger one suffered during the first eighteen 19 years of his life due to his debilitated Saturn mahadasha and it emotionally gut-wrenching time; most probably he was abused by his father. The elder elder one as a protective brother decided to take on the parents in a most wrong fashion and for that once they come out; the elder one will now be in there in his Saturn Mahadasha. So they will pay for this karmically for the rest of their life regardless of being released from prison.

Their parents (below).

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