Like rest of the nation and the world, I have been following the life and career of Vinesh Phogat who belongs to one of the renowned wrestling families of India. She has been terribly unlucky despite her talent of not winning even one medal at the Olympic level at the past 3 Olympics where she participated and where it matters. I had actually had a brief look at her chart when her name came out in the news in 2023, with regards to the controversy surrounding her and the federation. That time itself; I had just kept it to myself; I knew that things will not go her way. But now what has happened to her at the Paris Olympics and on an international forum, on the day of her gold medal winning bout, when she was disqualified due to a technicality, has shattered not only Vinesh; but the complete nation along with myself. It is heartbreaking for everyone and most of all Vinesh. This is only due to planetary influences or malefic planetary influences. Hence, I thought of refreshing myself with her chart and presenting it as to how inauspicious planetary influence can create severe havoc in one’s life – both personal and professional. I hope after this you will realize how important luck is and till luck is not with you; even the very best of person can go down.
Birth Details
25/8/1994; 1200 (taken as) Hours; Charkhi Dadri – Haryana
Lagna Chart

ASC Libra 25-44-51 has Jupiter 15-02-35 (Enemy) and Rahu [R] 24-47-43
5th house of Aquarius has Saturn [R] 15-45-44(Lord Housed)
6th house of Pisces has Moon 24-21-48
7th house of Aries has Ketu [R]24-47-43
9th house of Gemini has Mars 11-42-11(Enemy)
11th house of Leo has Sun 08-03-46 (Lord Housed) and Mercury 19-40-17
12th house of Virgo has Venus 24-03-56 (Debilitated)
VEN from 3/11/08 till 3/11/28
- VEN – SAT till3/11/24
Summary Analysis
Vinesh is extremely hardworking, practical, sensible and romantically inclined ascendant Libra; a strong ascendant Libra at 25 degrees with Jupiter enemy and Rahu in the Lagna House. So on one hand her lagna house makes her a very strong personality, a dominant personality, what she wants she will go after with all vengeance and put all efforts to get it and she will get it also because Jupiter is sitting there in the Lagna House, even though enemy; so despite the obstacles she will not stop and she has had a tough life; her father expired when she was very young but that has not stopped her; that has not stopped her from being somewhat lucky as she got good trainers and coachers in the form of her uncle and this as Saturn even though retrograde is lord housed in the 5th house; so this means that professionally she will do well despite the obstacles; so obstacles are part of her life but she will do well professionally; now she has a good job also and in her wrestling career also despite the tremendous obstacles she has managed to come on top and reach the global level; even after the controversy that surrounded her last year, she has been able to fight it and due to her perseverance and hard work reach the Olympics and not only the Olympics; the Olympic finals despite the obstacles; which are part and parcel of her life and this is as she is very emotional; when she gets emotionally attached to something then she will not let anything come in the way and this also means that she will not care about enemies; she will have lot of enemies; lot of enmity, jealousy is there but she will not let that come in the way of her success.
7th house has Ketu; so she has scant little time for her marriage or romantic life; so much busy is she in her profession; though she will get married. Her Ketu will get her married.
Now Mars in the 9th house; even though enemy means that generally she likes to be left alone except for her wrestling fraternity/ community and there also people who are good with her that she can get along with; she can train with; her family, her guru, siblings, fellow wrestlers are very auspicious for her but again if she is pushed a little bit she can get irritable.
Now the best house in her chart is her 11th house; this is what has given India Vinesh Phogat; otherwise she would have been an anonymous person; but Sun Lord housed in the 11th house along with Mercury make her very lucky; very intelligent; she is an extremely intelligent person; she knows what she wants; she is courageous, prompt, no nonsense, extremely lucky, has leadership skills, name and fame are there at her feet and she will live a charmed life – materially there is no shortage of wealth in her life; she will live a luxurious life with a good name. So overall despite all the controversies she will have a good name; that is assured to her and that is why there is so much sympathy for her despite all the tumultuous times that she is facing and why she facing that is because of her debilitated Venus in the 12th house; which makes her life prone to suffering, hard work, lot of hard work is there and she is also a very serious minded person; totally focused in her wrestling career and this is where luck comes in; this as despite an otherwise amazing chart she has been going through her debilitated Venus Mahadasha from 2008 and this is still 2028. So you see Luck is not helping as her Venus Mahadasha which lasts for 20 years is coming in the way and unfortunately for her at the peak of her Olympic career that is from 2008 till 2028; her debilitated 12th House Venus Mahadasha came and this is just not letting her enjoy the fruits of her labour on a global scale and not only that, even this frustration will go inside her or percolate to her personal life or married life as well. So time is very tough for her and though at present her Venus- Saturn antardasha has ensured that despite everything she has entered the Olympic finals because Saturn when Lord Housed does help a lot but in her case Venus rules and it has resulted in a heart break for her the final; heartbreak in her carrier and life after which he has decided to retire because she has fought like a brave person; fought against destiny but there is only so much that you can fight. I would urge her to wear a diamond under astrological guidance. Otherwise there is continued trouble and bad luck due to the opposite sex; be it somebody in position of authority; her coaches or administrators; even her husband.
But once her Venus Mahadasha is over then she will shine; so eventually she will reach a very senior position as a sports administrator in this country or may start a political career too. So her long term future is very bright.