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Meet Bryan Johnson, The Man Who Wants to Live Forever

Don’t Die documentary chronicles a tech millionaire’s mission to extend his life — by up to 200 years.

I watched the documentary above in dismay and it made me very interested in seeing his chart. I wanted to find out is all this for real or just a marketing fad. If you see his pictures, his skin gives a greenish tinge which is never good.

Birth Details

22/8/1977; 1200 Hours; Provo – Utah – USA

Lagna Chart

ASC Libra 07-36-49

2nd house of Scorpion has Moon 15-17-37 (Debilitated)

6th house of Pisces has Ketu [R] 23-57-25

9th house of Gemini has Mars 00-37-56 (Enemy), Jupiter 06-47-51 (Enemy) and Venus 29-31-56

10th house of Cancer has Saturn 28-07-51(Enemy)

11th house of Leo has Sun 05-58-33 (Lord Housed) and Mercury [R] 27-13-37

12th house of Virgo has Rahu [R] 23-57-25


SUN from 7/ 8/23 till 7/ 8/29

  • SUN – RAH till 25/ 8/25
  • SUN – JUP till 13/ 6/26

MON from 7/ 8/29 till 7/ 8/39

Summary analysis and prediction

So the native is ascendant Libra with Moon debilitated in his second house; Ketu in the 6th; Jupiter enemy, Mars enemy and Venus in the 9th; Saturn enemy in the tenth; Sun and Mercury retrograde in the 11th and Rahu in the 12th. He has very strong case of Mild Kaal Sarpa Dosha (MKSD); so even though it is a mild KSD, because Moon is falling in between his Rahu and Ketu; but it is a very severe case too even though technically, it is not a full Kaal Sarpa Dosha (KSD).

In this case I do not think that he will live to 85 years also; as the average American longevity is 78 years; he may leave a couple of years here and there more than that at best. Now he has started this mission of living till 200 years because he knows; he is an intelligent person and an entrepreneur; he knows there are health issues that he has or will get; his doctors may have forewarned him.

This as he is very sensitive person and prone to worrying and being ultra sensitive, emotional, agitated, angry despite the wealth, good position in society and name and fame. So his body is not one that is relaxed from inside.

I would have said that this is a good case of living a very long life is if suppose with this chart his Moon was exalted but no this is not the case; infact it is debilitated and in between his Rahu and Ketu. Most importantly from 2029 he is having his 2nd house debilitated Moon mahadasha for a decade. So his health will suffer and during those ten years he will age twenty five years. So what he is doing is for his protection and for the betterment of his health and he is giving this a marketing fad of wanting to live to be 200 years by taking all sorts of dietary supplements and dramatically modifying his lifestyle. He has the money and he is using it. So this is just kind of a publicity stunt and a business stunt but it will not prolong his life other than what any normal person who knows that there is a challenging time approaching him and precautions. So he is just doing preventive health care and making money out of it too. So it is a smart move for making money or may be seen as a business venture to make money only – nothing more nothing less. His chart is such that if he takes good care; he will be able to live the average longevity of an American at best. So this is a marketing fad and will not make him live as per his dramatic claim to fame.

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