It is always news when a young IAS officer starts to misuse/flaunt power. It is due to placement of bad planets that make such officers unfit for long term public service. At the same time they have some good placements which get them selected in the first place. I thought to take a look at this chart because there are so many youngsters who dream of getting into the IAS. This is also because I have had cases of young civil servants who are in trouble with their service contact me and ask when time will be good for them etc. It is one thing getting selected in the service but to remain in the service till you retire and to retire with the good name requires a good chart; just to get selected in the service can also be a fluke.
So with the publicly available information about this officer I have drawn out her birth chart.
Lagna Chart

ASC Gemini 23-56-18 has Moon 24-55-31 and Ketu [R] 10-44-22
3rd house of Leo has Jupiter [R] 11-28-17
5th house of Sagittarius has Rahu [R]10-44-22
6th house of Capricorn has Saturn 22-53-18 (Lord House)
9th house of Aquarius has Mars 16-29-10
10th house of Pisces has Sun 26-53-50, Mercury 05-01-53 (Debilitated) and Venus 09-55-02(Exalted)
MER from 13/ 5/21 till 13/ 5/38
- MER – KET till 7/10/24
- MER – VEN till 7/ 8/27
So her chart tells me that due to her bad Mercury dasha; she will not be able to do much in the service; in fact she as she has already fallen into deep controversy and this controversy is not going to die down and her good days as an IAS officer are over and the next victim of this will be her marriage; if not already.
(Marriage analysis is based on social media reports that I read that she was married also to IAS officer; so this is a untenable relationship).