Today 23rd March in the martyrdom anniversary of Shaheed (Martyr) Bhagat Singh, who has has been an inspiring force for Indians ever since his martyrdom at the age of 23 years.

Therefore it would be an honor for me to do a chart analysis of Shaheed-E- Azam Bhagat Singh ji.
There are discrepancies in the accuracy of his birth details which I would first address and then study his chart.
The Government of India celebrated his 112th birth anniversary on 28th September 2019 and hence i am going as per the official Government of India date. This makes his birthday as September 28th, 1907.
Hence his birth details are (birth time has been determined by me)
- 28/9/1907, 1000 Hours, Banga, Faisalabad, Punjab Province, (Now in Pakistan)
Attained martyrdom
- 23 March 1931 (aged 23) Lahore, Punjab (Now in Pakistan)
Lagna Chart and its interpretation

- ASC Libra 19-04-30 – Logical, practical and sensible.
- 3rd house of Sagittarius has Mars 28-59-20 and Ketu [R] 26-55-50 – Leadership skills courtesy his strong Mars and also a daredevil and spiritual devotion to any cause he undertook due to family influence.
- 6th house of Pisces has Saturn [R] 00-40-35 – Rebellious and would be prone to doing karma which is against the beliefs of the society, in other words can take up arms for a cause or in rebellion against those in authority.
- 8th house of Taurus has Moon 26-54-17 (Exalted) -Mentally very strong and stable temperament which could be used to plan and execute methodically, nothing impulsive about his actions, all well thought out as per his belief system.
- 9th house of Gemini has Rahu [R] 26-55-50 – Excellent for being successful in whatever he wanted to achieve in his life, in fact the gains could be much more than he expected.
- 10th house of Cancer has Jupiter 15-10-07 (Exalted) – Excellent and would be born into a good and wealthy family and would be very lucky and moneyed, also would have good education and wisdom beyond years; would lead his life the way he wants, which would be for others good. Normally such people also make excellent spiritual gurus and have many followers.
- 12th house of Virgo has Sun 11-19-14, Mercury 26-56-35 ( Exalted) and Venus 14-49-58 (Debilitated) – This is the house that made him kiss death and become immortal after his martyrdom. Due to his exalted Mercury he would be well spoken and educated but fearless. Due to his debilitated Venus he would be least interested in marriage and having a family and settling down. He would be clear that he would like to give his life for the country whenever that time may come.
Dasha periods during his lifetime and its interpretation
- MAR -7 Years 28/ 9/07 – 14/11/12 – Excellent initial years in a stable family environment but the seeds of revolution were ingrained in his DNA very early.
- RAH -18 Years 14/11/12 – 14/11/30 – Excellent time for time – as he did and got what he wanted in his life, became a known revolutionary leader who successfully organized many protests against the British rule and headed parties and groups to achieve his mission and by the end of his Rahu dasha was successful in achieving his purpose in life. Infact was able to achieve much more than he expected.
- JUP -16 Years 14/11/30 – 14/11/46 – The best period in his life where he would finally achieve what he wanted and would be at his best and bravest, luck would favour him and it seems pretty clear that he made a clear choice of how he was going to live and die, like a brave son trying to free his motherland by his means.
- JUP – JUP from 14/11/30 till JUP 2/ 1/33 – Attained martyrdom during one of the best periods in his life, went back to his maker happy. This is the hallmark of the true brave – attain martyrdom with head held high.
Additional Analysis
- Three planets exalted show that he thoroughly and with his full heart and soul did what he believed to be the right and there was not an iota of fear in him and he happily went to the gallows during one of the best periods of his life – the start of his exalted Jupiter mahadasha.
- Mercury exalted in the 12th house tells me that he got taken away early, so that his soul could become one with God.