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Thank you for providing his birth details and Michael Jackson was not one of the most famous people in the entire world but he was also very controversial. He was in trouble with the legal system in America for some serious unmentionable crime.

Birth Details Provided

29/8/1958; 2355 Hours; Gary – Indiana – USA

ASC Taurus 24–03–23

So I do not get the feel that this is his chart; because with this chart; the amount of popularity that he gained in his life and the wealth that he made that is not possible. So let me myself determine his birth time.

Revised birth details

29/8/1958; 1030 Hours (determined by self) Gary – Indiana – USA (Rahu – Venus Antardasha)

Died aged 50 years

25/6/2009; Los Angeles, CA- USA (Mercury – Rahu – antardasha)

Lagna Chart

ASC Libra 02-12-22 has Rahu [R] 01-21-26 and Jupiter 05-12-12 (Enemy)

2nd house of Scorpion has Saturn 25-50-07 (Enemy)

5th house of Aquarius has Moon 17-01-11

7th house of Aries has Mars 28-35-56 (Lord Housed) and Ketu [R] 01-21-26

10th house of Cancer has Venus 23-20-11(Enemy)

11th house of Leo has Sun 12-30-15 (Lord Housed) and Mercury [R]02-18-20

Dashas since birth

RAH from 29/ 8/58 till 8/ 9/62

JUP from 8/ 9/62 till 8/ 9/78

SAT from 8/ 9/78 till 8/ 9/97

MER from 8/ 9/97 – 25/ 6/2009

Summary analysis

So he was a rebel at heart and that is what made him world famous; his core personality was that of a very dominating, self assured person willing to take on anybody who did not agree with him, was a little bit on the eccentric side, flirtatious, intelligent, ambitious ascendant Libra but also extremely money conscious; that is why he amassed so much wealth and property because he has the traits of ascendant Virgo too.

Now this was a person who followed his passion and without any doubt in his mind; he was always clear headed about what he is doing; extremely intelligent and stable and that is what caused his downfall (because during that time I was myself in Toronto so I followed the scandals that he was involved in very closely).

Second house has Saturn enemy. He came from a family of musicians; initially he started his musical career along with his father; his father who was very auspicious for him pushed him and the brothers and sisters. He had a lot of brothers and sisters. They all formed a family band; so he was born into humble beginnings but the family all worked very hard, persevered and the whole family did very well. So his career in music was like started as a family business/enterprise but Luck was with him; that is why he branched out on his own.

Moon is in the 5th house. His mother was very auspicious for him. He became father of healthy children and he was mentally very strong person; very wealthy. Now mind you he was conscious that being black and rich and rebellious in the US of A; would get you powerful enemies; including the deep state and that is what got him eventually.

7th house has Mars Lord House and Ketu makes him a mangalik; extremely focused on his love life; romantic life; marriage; he was married to multiple women – famous in their own right but after certain time the marriage fizzled out; then he moved on to the next. So this was the theme of his romantic life. He was very likeable person though even though he divorced by personality he was very likeable and childish; he knew how to work a crowd; he was very intelligent and smart and knew how to perform very early on in his life. He learnt the tough lessons in life of how to manoeuvre the twists and turns in the American society as a black person and believe me when I say the rules are not the same for people of colour in America even today.

10th house has Venus enemy. This is what gave the world Michael Jackson; but he was always conscious of his looks; he was smart enough to realise that being black and the level of success that he wanted to reach did not go together; so he had so many plastic surgeries; he had lot of wealth but he also reinvented his looks; started to develop a fairer complexion; so there was some inbound complexes in him regarding his looks about which he was always concerned and the number of plastic surgeries that he did became a matter of controversy later on and not only that he did suffer from huge burn injury very early on in his life; which started his struggle with pain killers that would continue for the rest of his life. So struggle with looks, legal trouble – either due to marriage or otherwise kids or with the justice system due to grevious criminal charges would be his companion for life.

Now his 11th house is what made him famous. Sun Lord Housed. So he is shone like the Sun but Mercury retrograde, made him rebellious to the core. He will not get along with a lot of people and if he does not get along with you, he will tell you to just get lost; so he was not the person to mince his words; extremely intelligent, courageous, sometimes could be rough. Name and fame at his feet that was given to him as well as infamy. This was during his last decade of life. He suffered a lot. All sorts of court cases, grievous criminal charges, financial ruin and then he was trying to plan for his next or last tour; so that he could recoup his financial condition because he had a never said I spirit and he died of a overdose of anaesthetic medicines.

Now if we see his life as per his Dasha’s. So he was born in his Rahu Mahadasha in a very humble background but self respecting family; father, mother both very auspicious for him; gave him a good decent upbringing; the relations with father would always controversial but with mother were very close. Then followed his struggle or his long struggle that started with his enemy Jupiter Mahadasha but he persevered; he had the planets – lagna, 10th and 11th house planets along with 5th and 7th house planets that made him persevere; there was no stopping him. He achieved name, fame, success and then during his Saturn Mahadasha – enemy Saturn; he worked too hard; he overworked as was his habit; at a very young age and then due to various factors and also stresses of an enemy Saturn Mahadasha because it gives you success but it extracts its pound of flesh. Due to it he was hooked to sleeping medicines which only worsened with time and last but not the least he passed away during his retrograde 11th house Mercury mahadasha during which time he was trying to revive his career but Mercury was retrograde in the 11th house with Sun; would not have allowed him and he would burn out. He died under a cloud of suspicion – not only the criminal charges that were laid against him related to grievous crimes not mentionable here but also addiction to painkillers that escalated to strong anaesthetic medicines.

So this was a genius but I think he was born in the wrong country or of wrong skin colour. He had his own ego; strong strong ego; he stepped on the feet of powerful people; made powerful enemies and in the end they all ganged up against him. The system; the state and he died very young but what happens is the music that he created will live on much beyond his life.

Now as you see in his chart. All planets are in auspicious houses. So he himself was a very innocent, childish kind of a person; he did not think that evil exists in this world or he had no concept of that but planets were such and his nature was such that it gave him fame at the start or at the mid of his life and then snatched everything away and also most cruelly snatched his life or snuffed out his life at mere age of 50 years.

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So I do not get the feel that this is his chart; because with this chart; the amount of popularity that he gained in his life and the wealth that he made that is not possible. So let me myself determine his birth time.

Revised birth details

29/8/1958; 1030 Hours (determined by self) Gary – Indiana – USA (Rahu – Venus Antardasha)

Died aged 50 years

25/6/2009; Los Angeles, CA- USA (Mercury – Rahu – antardasha)

Lagna Chart

ASC Libra 02-12-22 has Rahu [R] 01-21-26 and Jupiter 05-12-12 (Enemy)

2nd house of Scorpion has Saturn 25-50-07 (Enemy)

5th house of Aquarius has Moon 17-01-11

7th house of Aries has Mars 28-35-56 (Lord Housed) and Ketu [R] 01-21-26

10th house of Cancer has Venus 23-20-11(Enemy)

11th house of Leo has Sun 12-30-15 (Lord Housed) and Mercury [R]02-18-20

Dashas since birth

RAH from 29/ 8/58 till 8/ 9/62

JUP from 8/ 9/62 till 8/ 9/78

SAT from 8/ 9/78 till 8/ 9/97

MER from 8/ 9/97 – 25/ 6/2009

Summary analysis

So he was a rebel at heart and that is what made him world famous; his core personality was that of a very dominating, self assured person willing to take on anybody who did not agree with him, was a little bit on the eccentric side, flirtatious, intelligent, ambitious ascendant Libra but also extremely money conscious; that is why he amassed so much wealth and property because he has the traits of ascendant Virgo too.

Now this was a person who followed his passion and without any doubt in his mind; he was always clear headed about what he is doing; extremely intelligent and stable and that is what caused his downfall (because during that time I was myself in Toronto so I followed the scandals that he was involved in very closely).

Second house has Saturn enemy. He came from a family of musicians; initially he started his musical career along with his father; his father who was very auspicious for him pushed him and the brothers and sisters. He had a lot of brothers and sisters. They all formed a family band; so he was born into humble beginnings but the family all worked very hard, persevered and the whole family did very well. So his career in music was like started as a family business/enterprise but Luck was with him; that is why he branched out on his own.

Moon is in the 5th house. His mother was very auspicious for him. He became father of healthy children and he was mentally very strong person; very wealthy. Now mind you he was conscious that being black and rich and rebellious in the US of A; would get you powerful enemies; including the deep state and that is what got him eventually.

7th house has Mars Lord House and Ketu makes him a mangalik; extremely focused on his love life; romantic life; marriage; he was married to multiple women – famous in their own right but after certain time the marriage fizzled out; then he moved on to the next. So this was the theme of his romantic life. He was very likeable person though even though he divorced by personality he was very likeable and childish; he knew how to work a crowd; he was very intelligent and smart and knew how to perform very early on in his life. He learnt the tough lessons in life of how to manoeuvre the twists and turns in the American society as a black person and believe me when I say the rules are not the same for people of colour in America even today.

10th house has Venus enemy. This is what gave the world Michael Jackson; but he was always conscious of his looks; he was smart enough to realise that being black and the level of success that he wanted to reach did not go together; so he had so many plastic surgeries; he had lot of wealth but he also reinvented his looks; started to develop a fairer complexion; so there was some inbound complexes in him regarding his looks about which he was always concerned and the number of plastic surgeries that he did became a matter of controversy later on and not only that he did suffer from huge burn injury very early on in his life; which started his struggle with pain killers that would continue for the rest of his life. So struggle with looks, legal trouble – either due to marriage or otherwise kids or with the justice system due to grevious criminal charges would be his companion for life.

Now his 11th house is what made him famous. Sun Lord Housed. So he is shone like the Sun but Mercury retrograde, made him rebellious to the core. He will not get along with a lot of people and if he does not get along with you, he will tell you to just get lost; so he was not the person to mince his words; extremely intelligent, courageous, sometimes could be rough. Name and fame at his feet that was given to him as well as infamy. This was during his last decade of life. He suffered a lot. All sorts of court cases, grievous criminal charges, financial ruin and then he was trying to plan for his next or last tour; so that he could recoup his financial condition because he had a never said I spirit and he died of a overdose of anaesthetic medicines.

Now if we see his life as per his Dasha’s. So he was born in his Rahu Mahadasha in a very humble background but self respecting family; father, mother both very auspicious for him; gave him a good decent upbringing; the relations with father would always controversial but with mother were very close. Then followed his struggle or his long struggle that started with his enemy Jupiter Mahadasha but he persevered; he had the planets – lagna, 10th and 11th house planets along with 5th and 7th house planets that made him persevere; there was no stopping him. He achieved name, fame, success and then during his Saturn Mahadasha – enemy Saturn; he worked too hard; he overworked as was his habit; at a very young age and then due to various factors and also stresses of an enemy Saturn Mahadasha because it gives you success but it extracts its pound of flesh. Due to it he was hooked to sleeping medicines which only worsened with time and last but not the least he passed away during his retrograde 11th house Mercury mahadasha during which time he was trying to revive his career but Mercury was retrograde in the 11th house with Sun; would not have allowed him and he would burn out. He died under a cloud of suspicion – not only the criminal charges that were laid against him related to grievous crimes not mentionable here but also addiction to painkillers that escalated to strong anaesthetic medicines.

So this was a genius but I think he was born in the wrong country or of wrong skin colour. He had his own ego; strong strong ego; he stepped on the feet of powerful people; made powerful enemies and in the end they all ganged up against him. The system; the state and he died very young but what happens is the music that he created will live on much beyond his life.

Now as you see in his chart. All planets are in auspicious houses. So he himself was a very innocent, childish kind of a person; he did not think that evil exists in this world or he had no concept of that but planets were such and his nature was such that it gave him fame at the start or at the mid of his life and then snatched everything away and also most cruelly snatched his life or snuffed out his life at mere age of 50 years.