Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, Bharat Ratna, or “Kalam” was lived from 15 October 1931 till 27 July 2015. He was an Indian aerospace scientist and statesman who served as the 11th president of India from 2002 to 2007. He was born and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu and studied physics and aerospace engineering. He spent the next four decades as a scientist and administrator, at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and was intimately involved in India’s civilian space programme and military missile development efforts. He thus came to be known as the Missile Man of India. He also played a pivotal organisational, technical, and political role in India’s Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998.
He returned to his civilian life of education, writing and public service after his term as President of India ended in 2007.
While delivering a lecture at the Indian Institute of Management Shillong, Kalam collapsed and died from an apparent cardiac arrest on 27 July 2015, aged 83.
Yesterday was Dr Kalam’s 92nd birth anniversary and as a mark of respect to this great son of India; it is a privilege to do his chart analysis.
Birth Details
15/10/1931; 1200 Hours, Rameswaram – TN – India
27 July 2015 (aged 83); Shillong, Meghalaya, India
Resting place
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Desiya Ninaivagam, Pei Karumbu, Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India
Lagna Chart
ASC Sagittarius 21-33-58 has Saturn 24-11-13 – Extremely hardworking individual who would be a workaholic and work throughout his life; it’s a very auspicious Saturn and being an ascendant Sagittarius makes him have incredible leadership skills; plus the desire to work hard all his life. So this is the chart of a Karam Yogi, who has by virtue of his own hard work and luck; rose from humble beginnings to being the President of India.
4th house of Pisces has Rahu [R]11-29-42 – This shows that he had scant any attachment to money, landed property, inheritances and even his own family; in fact it can be said that any talk of the same could have made him very irritable and this trait is shown right from the start; so not having any interest in hording money and at the same time being extremely hardworking and emotionally attached to his work or his karma and to the country of his birth makes him a formidable and passionate peoples leader; whose only dedication was to his job; whatever job he was given; he needed no rest and could work 24/7/365.
8th house of Cancer has Jupiter 25-10-47 (Exalted) – Deeply interested in knowledge, whether it be science, technology, medicine, IT, AI, religion – all religions. So he would also be very lucky that he could use his deep knowledge to good use due to his lagna house; but exalted Jupiter in the 8th house is a very tricky placement; because it is the first sign that shows that due to his own will; he would not be interested in having any children of his own and also he would not be interested in any landed property or inheritance; but still money and life of luxury; would follow him; though he would have scant any need for the same. This as is Jupiter at 25 plus degrees and has a slip out effect into his 9th house; which is the house of his career/karma and luck. So that is why he was good at his job but luck also favoured him, as he met the right people at the right time; which is very critical for getting noticed and promoted. This placement at 25 plus degrees also shows a disinterest in having a personal life of his own; this placement can also cause him some health issues as well. Stress related health issues or over work related health issues; given his lagna house and 12th house.
10th house of Virgo has Sun 28-02-41, Mercury 25-36-21 (Exalted) and Ketu [R]11-29-42 – This is an extremely powerful house, makes him bold, courageous, hold a position of authority and wealth; government or public service or high government service; makes him one who would be living with all the material wealth and luxury that money can buy; would be very polite, sophisticated and delicate in his mannerisms; not at all rude; in fact polite to a fault; even when he is upset and angry he will just say or express his frustrations in a very polite way. This placement gives him authority, power, prestige at his feet due to his own hard work but he would never have the craving for it; so what is again and again standing out is this is the chart of a Karam Yogi. He came on this planet just to do his karma and did not expect anything in return in terms of material wealth and inheritances or properties and all kind of things material.
11th house of Libra has Mars 26-16-35 and Venus 07-52-44 (Lord House) – Again this house is super powerful; gave him name, fame, throughout the world, made him a very courageous person, a leader, good moral compass; would lead his team from the front; get along with people; be a leader of consensus; in fact he would have no enemies at all; at the same time, he would live a very high profile life with all the material amenities, enjoyments that money, wealth, power, prestige, name, fame can buy; but such was the strength of his lagna house that he would not get attached to it. That is what I call a true Karam Yogi; that he would be able to leave it and return back to his roots without any problem but what he not would not be able to do is slow down his pace of work and take rest. He was lucky too that he has planets that supported him all his life, to have such a positive impact for the people of his own country.
12th house of Scorpion has Moon 19-23-36 (Debilitated) – This is the hallmark of a great leader; a person who is always connected to his people, no matter how high they rise; they never forget their roots; their heart is with the people; they are so emotionally attached to their people that they become very popular and it is not on purpose that they do it; it is because of who they are, they are very emotionally connected people and it is not emotional connexion with family or with loved ones but with the people of his country; so definitely he was a very emotional person but he kept his emotions inside of him due to his strong personality; his were powerful emotions of taking his country forward, which inspired him and this trait is also found in the chart of another great Indian leader at present; that is Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi; his Moon is also debilitated. So such people work from their heart; they are practical, intelligent but at the same time they do what their heart tells them to do and hence they break barriers and boundaries.
Dasha at the time of passing away
JUP from 24/ 4/13 till 24/ 4/29 – After leaving a glorious life working for his nation in development of the space technology, missile technology and also other technologies which we may not be aware of due to the confidential nature; he reached his peak in his Rahu mahadasha; which ended in 2013. Then his 8th house exalted Jupiter Mahadasha came; it was a difficult time for him because this man did not know how to relax; plus technically in the 8th house; Jupiter will cause some health trouble or give delicate health issues which needs one to slow down and relax but such a restless man, will not be able to do it. At the same time he would not be able cope with same pace of work; given the age; so you will see that he barely crossed his Jupiter-Jupiter Antardasha and then went away to be one with God.
- JUP – JUP till 12/ 6/15 – He somehow lived through his Jupiter-Jupiter anthardasha; but I am sure he must have been very restless and tired but kept on working because this is not the chart of somebody who wants to rest and bask in his glory; he wants to work but with age one has to slow down but not Kalam sir; he pushed his body and mind even at the advanced age and when his body was telling him to slow down but the mind was so emotionally attached to working for his people; that he did not know how to rest.
- JUP – SAT till 24/12/17 – Just as his Jupiter-Saturn antardasha started; a good but cation for his health time; because Jupiter is exalted but in the 8th house; Saturn is in the Lagna House; it would have created internal stress in his body/system/organs; given in the age and barely some months into Jupiter Saturn antardasha, he passed away suddenly and without pain; and this kind of passing without suffering; is given to good souls and it ca be said that he has attained Moksha for the way he has lived his life; totally dedicated to the people of his country and not expecting anything in return. This is the hallmark of a true monk.
A country such as India; a holy and a spiritual land; is the place where such souls are born; they come for a purpose and when that purpose is over; they go away to be one with their maker.