Mamata Banerjee has been in the news lately because of the elections in West Bengal. However, being in the news is nothing new to her. From when she burst onto the political stage, first against the Left government, she has commanded attention. Knows as a fearless opponent, she has established her presence and authority.
I wanted to analyse her chart from the point of view of understanding how her planets have shaped her and enabled her to reach these heights.
Birth Details
- 5/1/1955, 0930 Hours, Kolkata
Lagna Chart and its interpretation
- ASC Aquarius 13-35-45 has Mars 29-33-23 – Practical, adventurous, risk-taking, consensus builder, and team leader. Has excellent leadership skills and the gift of taking people along with her due to her power of persuasion. She is a manglik or has mangal dosha that could make her very angry when upset and a fearless tigress or even tactful as Mars is well placed in the lagna house. So she has an auto on-off switch for controlled aggression.
- 4th house of Taurus has Moon 04-53-18 (Exalted) – Mother is extremely auspicious, immense landed property and life of luxury by a water body (in her case, the Hoogly), immensely strong mental make-up, and supremely confident – in fact to the point of being over-confident.
- 5th house of Gemini has Ketu [R] 11-58-05 – Happiness from own children absent. However, this would not bother her much.
- 6th house of Cancer has Jupiter [R] 03-04-34 (Exalted) – Highly educated, lucky in legal matters, well-read, very lucky as a whole though troubled by enemies, and have progeny issues (or no biological children). However, this would not cause much harm as Jupiter is exalted.
- 9th house of Libra has Saturn 25-28-58 (Exalted) – Great rise through hard work. Would earn name and fame by self-effort. A tireless worker, she would be very active and would work all her life. Her hard work would yield excellent results.
- 10th house of Scorpio has Venus 05-51-40 – Life of luxury with all the latest technical gadgets, travelling the world, wealth at her feet, material enjoyments.
- 11th house of Sagittarius has Sun 20-48-57, Mercury 27-11-33 and Rahu [R] 11-58-05 – Name, fame, power, prestige, life of luxury, though there is the potential of some controversies. She can roll up her sleeves and be a street fighter when needed. She is a fearless and dominating person.
Dasha periods and their interpretation
- SAT – MAR till 6/12/21 – One of the best times of her life in which due to her hard work, there would be no looking back. She would get the rewards for her toil.
- SAT – RAH till 12/10/24 – Name, fame and power, but with some controversies and political mudslinging, immense power at her feet.
- SAT – JUP till 24/ 4/27 – Excellent time and rewards from hard work are seen though there could be some health issues and loss due to hidden enemies.
Additional Comments
- Her exalted Saturn in the 9th house mahadasha from 2008-2027 would take her to the height of her power, prestige and success in her chosen path. She would be a formidable opponent.
- Personally, a friendly and affable person as all her planets either exalted or friendly.
- Her three exalted planets are the reason why she has risen so high in her life.
- A true tigress !