This question I will answer with a case study and that case study will be of my chart. I am doing this as I had the most unexpected spiritual awakening in my life and am also presently going through my 7th house Ketu mahadasha.
I do not share my birth details with anybody. So this is the maximum I am willing to share at this point in my life. I also do not visit astrologers or palmists.
Every chart has to be read on its own merit. How you will react to life or how life will come to you or be presented to you depends on your chart. It is not necessary that Ketu will manifest spiritual awakening in everyone. It may even deplete the spiritual awakening. It greatly depends on Ketu’s placement in your birth chart. It will also depend on specific placements of other planets.
So, most humbly, let me revisit my chart.

Mahadasha’s in life (with life events till 2024)
- Lagna House Rahu – Birth till 1971
- 7th house Jupiter – 1971 to 1987 (childhood, schooling)
- 2nd house Saturn – 1987 till 2006 (university, job, foreign travel – study (engineering – Masters) – stay – work)
- 12th house Mercury – 2006 till 2023 (leave foreign government job, return to India, deep dive into spirituality, spiritualist and professional astrologer)
- 7th house Ketu – 2023 till 2030 (relationships and partnerships, professional astrologer)
- 2nd house Venus – 2030 till 2050
As you can see from my chart, I feel blessed by God to have a favorable birth chart, and I am thankful for it. There is no one else to whom I owe this, not even my own actions—only God and my Guru, and the karmas o my past lives. My lagna, second house and ninth house are particularly auspicious, but here, I will focus on the aspect of spiritual awakening and itsmanifestation during one’s Ketu Mahadasha.
Currently, I am experiencing my Ketu Mahadasha after going through my 12th house Mercury mahadasha. Everything I achieved professionally occurred during my Saturn Mahadasha, which coincided with my formative years, starting in my early teens. I excelled in my studies and developed a strong foundation, becoming a self-made and independent person because of my lagna house.
During that time, everything seemed to align perfectly. I was selected for a government job in the Indian Air Force, which I ultimately did not join for reasons beyond my control. Shortly after, I received an immigration visa to Canada, along with admission to a prestigious university, all seemingly handed to me. While my hard work was a factor, Saturn pushed me to work diligently, and I reaped the rewards, landing a reputable government job in Canada, where I enjoyed my life.

However, as Saturn was about to conclude and my 12th house Mercury mahadasha was about to begin, I had not been actively monitoring my chart. I was focused on my material life when, unbeknownst to me, significant changes started to occur. During my 12th house Mercury Mahadasha, which started when I was in Canada, I experienced a profound spiritual awakening. My initial focus on wealth and material success diminished. I lost a considerable amount of money and interest in material pursuits dwindled. Destiny led me from Canada to an ashram in Rishikesh, where I requested Swamiji to allow me to serve him for the rest of my life.
As my Mercury Mahadasha came to a close, I wandered throughout India. Swamiji advised me to fulfill my worldly obligations before returning to spiritual pursuits. This prompted me to revisit my birth chart after a long hiatus and undertake remedies. With Swamiji’s blessing, I left the aashram and transitioned into professional astrology, moving away from engineering, which was a significant change influenced by my 12th house Mercury period.

Now, I am in my 7th house Ketu Mahadasha. When I compare my experiences during the past 12th house Mercury mahadasha to my current 7th house Ketu mahadasha, I realize that my spiritual awakening was at its peak during the Mercury mahadasha. Although I have always been spiritually inclined, this period amplified it. Currently, my 7th house Ketu is functioning as expected, and I find joy in this phase. While it may not bring the same spiritual awakening as before, it does shift my focus toward relationships and partnerships. Hence, my hitherto peak spiritual experience was in my Mercury mahadasha – the Ketu mahadasha has been a time of spiritual consolidation and being able to devote more time to loved ones. It’s like a perfect work-life balance period. This experience is the result of how other planets, apart from Ketu, are placed in my chart.
7th house Ketu mahadasha will be for a brief seven years. I anticipate that when this period concludes and my next 10-year phase begins with Venus in the 2nd house, I may fully embrace materialism again. However, being Venus, my experience in this time will be guided by my relationships rather than purely professional ambitions, as was the case during my Saturn Mahadasha. In my Saturn phase, I was working hard for material success. Now I will enjoy material success due to a woman.
Lastly, I am very conscious of not doing self-astrological estimation. As it is, I am a person who goes with the flow.